Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
October 7th, 2013 by Marcia Davis

Kids Photos on Social Media

Is it me, or does there seem to be more and more photos of people’s children being placed on Facebook and other social media?  In all honesty, sometimes, it gets to be a bit too much. Day one: little Johnny sitting on his potty with a goofy grin. Day two: Little Johnny dancing. Day three: Little Johnny spooning spaghetti into this face. Day four: Little Johny swimming with that same goofy smile. Get the picture?

OK. I am sure their parents are excited about these moments as they should be. However, do parents really, really think we are delighted in seeing these photos day after day after day? If we aren’t their grandparents, aunts, uncles or very close friends, truth be told, most of us delete them. However do you feel compelled to comment?

I’ve seen many comments that are lies. “He’s so cute!” (The poor little thing is not!) “Isn’t she adorable!” (Not. )Why do people feel compelled to make those comments? Of course we can’t say, “‘Sorry! Looks like the genetic pool wasn’t good to your child, huh?” That would hurt.

Here are a few things you can say that are not lies if you feel compelled to comment: “You must feel so proud.” Or, “He’s just as cute as he can be!” Another favorite I’ve heard is, “Bless is heart”. (If you’re not religious, that won’t feel right for you.)

Here’s my point. You have the right to never comment at all. That delete button is there for a purpose. If we stop saying things we don’t really feel, it could stop the tide of pronatalism and the expected outcome of posting all those children’s photos.

However, have you seen the recent photos of my precious dog? Now that’s something I know you would like! (LOL)



2 Responses to “Kids Photos on Social Media”
  1. Great post Marcia. Keep them coming

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