Yesterday, there was a senseless killing of innocent children and adults at at Connecticut Elementary School. There are no words I can find on this keyboard to share my own horror. I am sad, bewildered and terribly upset. There are so many questions still unanswered. One by one, those questions will get answered and nothing will bring back those innocent lives. I’m also annoyed.
Over and over I hear people being interviewed such as: media spokespeople, police and parents saying, “Anyone who is a parent knows the horror of this situation”. Why is it only parents who feel shock, dismay and bewilderment? Are those of us who chose to remain childfree heartless? Of course I know what that statement reflects . But, it also hurts those who are discounted as feeling the pain of anyone looking at this tragedy. It’s bordering on the edge of saying only parents can feel the pain. We who have chosen to to raise children are also aunts, uncles, teachers, doctors, nurses, and compassionate people. It’s not just parents who are horrified.
It’s not intentional. I know that. I’m simply showing you the damage of pronatalistic statements.
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