It’s official. I’m super excited to announce we have a HAPPY2BCHILDFREE group cruise on a luxurious Norwegian Cruise-line. this December 2015.
Picture this: a deliciously fun experience with like-minded people who’ll never ask, “Why don’t you have kids?” Add to this, the authors: Laura Carroll, “The Baby Matrix”, Laura Scott, “Two Is Enough” and me, Marcia Drut-Davis, “Confessions of a Childfree Woman”. We’ll have a few private meetings on board when we’re out at sea. Panel discussions, airing of my infamous “60 Minutes” experience, viewing of “The Childfree Project” by Laura Scott and talking with our authors will be inspiring and illuminating. Evenings will be in their awesome theater, voted the best of cruising, or dancing, or gambling or enjoying new friendships. The other times, in port, we’ll have a private land excursion company assuring us a childfree group! (No cattle call from the liner with kids!)
Info can be had by emailing me at: I’ll send you a lot to read from that gmail address. You’ll have questions. If I can’t answer them, our travel agency K&E will be a great help with Margie, who is a cruise “maven”. There are additional taxes and fees but very small. Land excursions are extra. NCL will offer a FREE drink package, FREE specialty dining every night, 75.00 land excursion credit per port or FREE wifi packages. (You just read that right.) (wink)
Additionally, single people may be able to get a studio inside cabin just for yourself with no added costs as most other cruise-lines charge! They’ll be the first to go.
So……..come with us. Don’t wait too long as cabins are going fast. I’ll send you a link to tour the ship, virtually. Let’s make memories to last a lifetime. Having fought cancer and won, I’ve learned the importance of being with like-minded friends and relishing the joy of fun experiences. I have hugs waiting!
Love you all,
Jim and Marcia

Marcia Drut-Davis
I just read “Confessions” and thank you! My brother-in-law essentially black-listed me for not wanting to marry & raise kids because HE worked all his life at a job he didn’t like to fulfill his family obligations. I said I’d rather have a dozen abortions than wish that on myself or marry some loser (I had lousy taste). He, a good RC–who never goes to church–was so upset he didn’t even say goodbye as I left the house. I hadn’t seen my sister–or him–in 10 years as they live across the country. No wonder I moved. My lawyer said he & his wife practice “voluntary extinction”, too well-educated to bring kids into this polluted world. Thanks again, loved the book, made perfect sense to me.
Christel, I apologize for not getting back sooner. This site was severally hacked. It took months to get it back! We are born into families. We can choose to remain a victim of their ignorance or love those accepting us just the way we are. We are fine people. It’s simply a lifestyle choice. Thank you for sharing with me and buying the book! Now, share it with pride and feel free to write to me any time. We are having another CF group cruise in December! Interested? Go to and place your name of the list. Hope to meet you in person. HUGS! Marcia Drut-Davis
So sorry it took me this long to respond. My site was severely hacked!
Your words make me feel wonderful knowing I helped your life. Thanks for sharing.
The “loss” you mentioned isn’t. Wrap your heart around those who love you.
Would you consider coming with us on our next Childfree group cruise? Write to me at if interested.