Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
August 8th, 2013 by Marcia Davis

Childfree Video: Day in the Life of a Screaming Baby

If you are living childfree by choice then you may know that you don’t often get to see the full picture of parenting.  This video shows the hidden side of parenting and what it’s actually like to deal with a screaming baby all day.  Take a look and see what the media isn’t portraying about parenting.  Thanks to Kiwi Mummy for sharing this with us.

Do you think more young people should have access to videos like this?

Does this video represent one reason you decided to be childfree?

Share your opinion in a comment below.


10 Responses to “Childfree Video: Day in the Life of a Screaming Baby”
  1. Lavlatte7 says

    Oh my lord. I made it only about 3-4 min. into the video. I couldn’t take it any longer. That is enough to make me want to stab my eyeball repeatedly with a fork. Thankful for Mirena and for my childfree life!

  2. He scared my dogs…

  3. He seems sick or something… or maybe he is just an annoying baby.
    Some kids are just like that, a pain all the time. I hope it gets better soon for her.

  4. OMG thank Jesus I don’t have kids…. This video was annoying. I do feel bad for the baby that he can’t talk and who knows what is wrong with him

    • marciadavis says

      A-men! I wish this video was heard by High School kids who never consider the real challenges of babies.

  5. Clementine says

    Beautiful as the child (and as patient as you are, bless your heart) I think I would lose my mind. I’m contemplating having an expensive IVF procedure right now and you may have saved me thousands of dollars. But don’t worry – your baby will grow up and be fine. Maybe teething or something. Some days it’s just hard being a baby! And harder being that baby’s Mama. Take care.

    • marciadavis says

      Being a baby’s momma or father is a very, very demanding responsibility. Remember, the life and time of that baby is but a fraction of a human’s life. It’s not just the “baby”. It’s everything involving the care of that human. For myself, and many choosing the childfree lifestyle, life is fine without biological or adopted children. It’s very freeing to admit you may “lose your mind” hearing that primal screams of a child. I respect you for that honesty.

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