This may be one of those highlights of my 74 years on this planet.
I’m the keynote opening speaker for the wonderful and wonder-filled NOTMOMSUMMIT
http://thenotmom.com/the-notmom-summit-2017/this Oct, 6-8th in Cleveland Ohio.
Without a doubt, those who attend will leave with a renewed and inspirational excitement for the childfree lifestyle.
Those sitting on the fence will hear why it may be a good idea to jump off that fence and wrap your hearts around a way to happiness you never imagined.
Those who can’t have children, shouldn’t have children or don’t want to have children will be shown love,
respect and how to overcome feelings of rejection from friends, family and co-workers who may mean well
but are only perpetuating the myths they’ve been lead to believe is an assumed biological destiny for all.
I’m honored and overwhelmed at the opportunities I have with the other presenters to reach your hearts.
I also look forward to meeting as many of my peeps as I can!
Marcia Drut-Davis