Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
April 15th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

If you are a parent, do you expect grandchildren?

Many times I’ve heard parents say if their children didn’t have children, they would be devastated. It’s considered, by many, as the icing on the cake of parenting. They’ve given so many years, time and money to raise their own. It’s almost an expected pay-back  because they want to have the status of being a grandparent , enjoying the fun of grandchildren and feel acceptance from their peers.

Are you a grandparent or do you expect to become a grandparent? How would you feel if your child told you they can’t have or don’t want to have children of their own?

If you have grandchildren, have they been a blessing or are you disappointed? In my book, “Confessions of a Childless Woman” I share deeply shocking reality as it relates to my husband’s children and grandchildren.



3 Responses to “If you are a parent, do you expect grandchildren?”
  1. Ever since my children reached puberty, I had to deal with difficult personality issues with each child. I learned of negative genetic issues in my family. I have always been concerned that some of those negative genetic psychological traits would be passed down to the next generation. My concern is that my grandchildren will inherit some of those challenging traits. They can wreak havoc in the lives of the people they touch.

  2. Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully heflupl!

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